Damen SilosEPISODE 3 | JANUARY 2018
A journey with Leta through the Damen Silos downtown. For more information, check out my blog post at http://adventureem.weebly.com/adventu... OR this long-form journalism piece: http://apps.northbynorthwestern.com/m...
Garfield ConservatoryEPISODE 2 | DECEMBER 2017
A quick walk through the Garfield Conservatory with my friend Lilli. At the time, they were doing a "no filter needed" flower exhibit, which you can see with all the colored mirror slices.
The Chicago Pedway SystemEPISODE 1 | NOVEMBER 2017
Follow me as I take you through five miles of underground city tunnels, traveling from the Renaissance Hotel to Millennium Park without ever stepping foot outside.